Culvert Slip-lining
Exclusively specializing in the inspection, evaluation and rehabilitation of aging culverts in New England.
Culvert slip-lining is less disruptive.
Ease traffic flow
Most projects require minimal or no traffic disruption.
Environmentally friendly
We manage water-flow in an environmentally friendly manner.
We will help you make the right decisions that save you time and money.
Free Quotes and Inspections
Our free quote, culvert inspections, and expert advice will help you choose the best solution for your culvert repair or replacement. Contact us today to discuss your aging culvert rehabilitation needs.
Or, give us a call. Office: 207-784-0610
Benefits of Culvert Slip-lining
- Long term cost effective
- 100+ year life expectancy
- No street excavation
- No or limited traffic interference
- Increased hydraulic capacity
- Sizes from 1′ to 10′
- Lining of irregular shaped culverts with ovalized pipe
Conventional Culvert Replacement
- Short-term cash outlay
- 25-30 year life expectancy
- Requires street excavation
- Traffic interruption
- No increased capacity
- Potential for right-of-way disturbance
- Potential for silt infiltration
Additional Services We Provide
Our Clients Include